Sunday, May 28, 2006

Settling in to blogging

Goodness, its hard to believe I am actually doing this blog thing!

It's very hard to explain how enjoyable an experience it has become. In one way, there is a lovely pleasure in writing bits and pieces for the ether and so what if no one ever reads any of it. On the other hand, there is a definite pleasure in finding positive comments and feedback from people on what you have written.

You also develop an feeling of comradeship among certain people and look out for them out there in bloggy land.

This site is more personal and I can be a little more relaxed than on Slugger. When I write there, you feel under enormous pressure to get every word and phrase right, cos you'll be pulled up in a second over it.

Not so here, this is shoes off, feet tucked up on the chair, glass of red wine and John Bennetts sunday club in the background.

Ah the peace, and failte!

1 comment:

David Todd said...

Go on - Miss Fitz, keep it up! :-)